Saturday, August 9, 2008

Taking a little mental health break....

I'm going to retire my blog for a while. Although I find it a great outlet for sharing (or blurting out) my feelings, I think I need to get control of some stress in my life before I send it out to the world. When your friends call and ask if you're going through menopause, then you have to step back and look at your attitude. And to that friend, no, that question didn't upset me. It was taken in the humor it was intended. For the family and friends who took the time to personally call and let me know they are here for me, I am eternally grateful. But those who personally know me also know that I do not want to be known for being a negative, crabby old woman, because that is not at all who I really am. I started to delete the previous post, but decided to make a couple of changes and let it be. I'll come back and read it occasionally just as a reminder. Phillip and I are going down to watch Michael, Jessica, Terry, and Deborah in a triathalon this weekend. Of course, we will get to see Reed, and his, Michael and Jessica's new house. Yep, they've already found one. Just need to get through all of the formalities of purchasing a house and it will soon become their home. I'll continue to read all of the blogs I've been keeping up with and hope someday folks will enjoy reading my future blog as much as I enjoy reading theirs. God bless and hopefully will be back blogging soon and getting some good positive comments again.

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